Family Involvement

Involved parents support their Montessori school by contributing their time and talents. The school offers different programs and projects for parents to volunteer their time, energy, and resources. Informed parents communicate with their school by attending planned conferences and other parent activities, reading e-mails, blogs, and asking questions. Ask the school’s Administrator or your child’s Guide for the best time and method to communicate informally — to share insights, questions, and observations.

Volunteer Opportunities are made available at the beginning of each school year and include the following:

  • Share your knowledge and expertise with our community:
    • Host a Parent Coffee Presentation
    • Provide a Parent Enrichment
  • Volunteer to support your child’s classroom; opportunities include:
    • Cultural Celebrations
    • Room parent (communications & special events)
    • Support emergent readers (listening to student spread and reading with students)
  • Volunteer on a Committee: Yearbook, Fundraising, School-Wide

the school depends on you!

We are successful when our parents are actively participating in our activities and events. We strive to have 100% of our parents attending our activities and volunteering at the school. The school is indebted to volunteers for their continuing support and involvement.

Committed to Excellence in Montessori Education

At Montessori House, we take pride in our dedication to educational excellence through the authentic application of Montessori principles.

Our accreditations reflect our commitment to the highest standards in Montessori education and environmental stewardship.
